My Story

Hi I'm Symentha

For over the past 20 years of being in the health and wellness industry-I've seen it all! AND...I've tried it all!

It wasnt until I became injured through being in front of the computer for years, that I realized, I needed some

extra help. So, I went and got a personal trainer. He helped me do daily exercises that helped to open up the muscle

and to build more strength, but the issue was, I was continuing to suffer in pain every day. It got to the point that for about

7 months I had to literally lift my arm out of bed in the morning and I spent a ton of money on massage therapy, chiro,

healers and cranial sacral. It wasnt until Adrian Armstrong - who was also my massage therapist-started bringing his mat

to our massage sessions and I would lie on it for an hour while I got my massage. It took me even deeper and I DID notice

some prolonged relief for days after the massage. Then, he let me use his mat for 2 weeks (bless you Adrian!!) and I could

NOT believe it but my neck and shoulder pain - WAS GONE! I mean, I was blown away. So, I got one. I paid $100 a month for

one of the BEST investments of my LIFE!! To this day, I use it for a minimum for an hour and sometimes I will also take it with

me when I travel and also when I drive for long distances, I will take it in my car! I LOVE how grounded it makes me feel, they

also suggest charging your water or food (or wine! lol) with it and WOW you really CAN totally taste the difference of the wine

after its been on the mat for 25 min.

The PEMF Mat is by far one of the greatest investments I've ever made that has continued to support my health and make

me feel great relief and also more connected to the earth's energy frequency. Especially now, at a strange and stressful time in

this world - people need this mat more than ever. To lay on it and rejuvenate and give your body the benefit of earthing and

connecting with the earths frequency through a mat in the privacy of you own home-is truly magnificent!

After my massage I would feel SO much more grounded and relaxed-my shoulder felt amazing and I could lift my arm. So, Adrian asked if I’d like to borrow the mat for a week and I did. I laid on it between 2-5 times a day for at least 10 minutes each time as he suggested. Within just a couple of days, my shoulder and arm were feeling incredible! My personal trainer was blown away at the improvement and the injury just seemed to go away.

So, I decided to buy one and lay on it every day.

4 years later, I still use it everyday and swear by it keeping me grounded and healthy and in tip top shape!

The second testimonial I wanted to share was when I went to get my live blood analysis. It had been a long time and I hadn’t really been taking care of my health and eating as well as I wanted to, when I was going through a very stressful time in my life. And the girl that took my blood was saying “WOW Symentha, this is some of the best, cleanest blood we’ve ever seen!” I was like really?! I was so surprised considering I know I wasn’t at my best. So, when I said the only thing that I can think of is I’ve been using the PEMF Mat pretty much every day- she’s like oh yes every single person that uses that Mat comes in with near perfect blood!!


So-I believe, every single person NEEDS to have a mat and I’ve heard hundreds of other amazing health stories from people using it.

Go for it and get one today! You have nothing to lose and great health to gain!!

Xo symentha

Adrian Armstrong

Symentha Holmes